Russel Brothers Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Steelcraft Boat Builders
Eddie S.
Canadian List of Shipping 1956: Eddie S. [C.177314] registered at Port Arthur; built at Owen Sound in 1946. 27'3 x- 7'5 x 3'; 4 g.t.; 3 rt.; 30 hp. Owned by Oscar Styffe Ltd., Port Arthur. Transport Canada List 2004: Registry closed September 11, 1994. |
Eddie S. photo courtesy John Styffe via Matthew Carlson.
 | May 1, 2017 Matt Carlson has pointed out the site of the former Styffe yard in Port Arthur (Thunder Bay). He comments: "Where the market is was where the old Northern Wood Preservers yard was. The long structure at the bottom of that yard is the old CN iron ore dock that you can see in the background of the old photos. Back in the day they would tie up log booms to the break wall and tow them in as needed. That whole property is owned by Pierre Gagne now, he was hired to clean up all the Creosote and he ended up buying the entire chunk of land, and filled it the old slip that was there. Approx half way down the ore dock in the yard is where he has the Grand Marais. I haven't seen any work done to it yet."
For more Russel exhibits visit Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum 1165 1st Ave West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8 (519) 371-3333 |