Russel Brothers Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Steelcraft Boat Builders
Canadian List of Shipping 1956: Flamand [C.177887] registered at Montreal; built at Owen Sound in 1947. 35'1 x 10'l x 4'3; 11 g.t.; 7 n.t.; 138 hp. Owned by St. Maurice River Drive Co. Ltd, Trois Riviers , Qu�bec. Canadian List of Shipping 1970. Steel tug Flamand [C.177887] registered in Montreal. Built at Owen Sound in 1947. 35'; 11 g.t. Transport Canada List 2003: Owned by Raymond Lefebvre & Sons Ltd., Prouxville, Qu�bec. Nov. 2018: Details for registered vessel FLAMAND (O.N. 177887) Registry Date 1947-05-30 Certificate Expires 2019-03-31. Owned by 8666164 CANADA INC. Address 500 - 105, RUE ABRAHAM-MARTIN
City QUEBEC Country CANADA Postal Code G1K 8N1. |
Yves Cloutier notes (Nov. 2018):
"Yes Sir! My favorite sport, jumping a 3 piece boom with the tug..."

Photos from Ingenium Digital Arhives.
Yves Cloutier comments (Nov. 2018): "The Flamand engaged in a sharp turn in front of Windigo, the village where I spent the first 5 years of my life!"
Title Windigo, Que. - boat in boom. ID Number X-30310.
Windigo, Que. - boat in boom. Windigo, Quebec - boat in boom Windigo, Qu�. ? Bateau en bois Qu�bec, Canada [1949] CN Images of Canada Collection
Yves Cloutier comments (Nov. 2018): "C�est Le Flamand, il avait cummins 6 cylindre. Le Rapide des C�urs avait un V8 depuis la fin des ann�es 1970..."
Title Que. dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc. ID Number X-37557.
Que. dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc. Quebec dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc Barrage de Qu�bec ? convoyeur de rondins ? Rapide-Blanc Rapide-Blanc, Qu�bec, Canada [1952] CN Images of Canada Collection
Yves Cloutier comments (Nov. 2018): "This picture is from La Trenche log chute, Rapide-Blanc had no water jets! La Trenche is a few miles south of Rapide-Blanc."
Title Que. dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc. ID Number X-37554. Que. dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc. Quebec dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc Barrage de Qu�bec ? convoyeur de rondins ? Rapide-Blanc Rapide-Blanc, Qu�bec, Canada [1952] CN Images of Canada Collection
Yves Cloutier comments (Nov. 2018): "This picture is from La Trenche log chute, La Trenche is a few miles south of Rapide-Blanc."
Title Que. dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc. ID Number X-37553. Que. dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc. Quebec dam - Log Chute - Rapide-Blanc Barrage de Qu�bec ? convoyeur de rondins ? Rapide-Blanc Rapide-Blanc, Qu�bec, Canada [1952] CN Images of Canada Collection
Yves Cloutier comments (Nov. 2018): "This is Rapide-Blanc at the original Log chute, a real nightmare because the chute was not wide enough and it was always jammed. In the 1970, it was closed for good and gate #4 (east side of the dam) was used, 52 ft wide... 9 ft deep, no way to jam anything in front of it when pushing with the tug!"
Title Que. - Rapide-Blanc - northern Que. - Dam. ID Number X-37898. Que. - Rapide-Blanc - northern Que. - Dam. Moving logs towards the Rapide-Blanc Dam`s log chute Acheminement des billots vers la passe � billes du barrage du Rapide-Blanc Rapide-Blanc, Qu�bec, Canada [1952] CN Images of Canada Collection
 | | VIDEO OF FLAMAND RAPIDE-BLANC, QC, 1955. PLAY 4:23 minute silent video of the St. Maurice River jammed with timber in Qu�bec, Canada. At 1:50, we see Russel boats ploughing through, and shoving timber over the dam at Rapide Blanc. There is a thrilling bow point of view as the tugs near the top of the chute, and reverse strongly just before hitting the guard wire seen on the bottom left. WMV source: British Pathe PLC
Yves Cloutier notes: The Henry Sorgius and the Rapide-Blanc operated on the La Trenche Reservoir. The Amisk, the La Trenche, The Flamand, The Coucoucache and The Rapide-des-Coeurs were on
the Rapide-Blanc reservoir. There is only 14 mile road between Rapide-Blanc and La Trenche.
Yves Cloutier comments: Wow! Exactly what I was boing with the boats!
From 1:05 to 1:20, shot at La Trenche: Henry Sorgius, La Trenche and probably the Rapide-Blanc. Notice the water jets on the right side, those were installed at La Trenche and Beaumont. On occasion, a boat from the Rapide-Blanc lake (The Rapide-Blanc) was transfered to La Trenche when things got bad there.
From 1:20 to 2:33 filmed at Rapide-Blanc, Logs going through gate #4, The boat is most likely Le Flamand!
The guys pushing on the Boom were at risk when gate 4 was used to replace the original log chute at Rapide-Blanc in the late 60's or early 70's... It was way too dangerous. Gate 4 was 52 ft wide and between 4 to 9 ft deep.... this was probably filmed the year they stopped using the original log chute where they (the men pushing from the boom) were required because the chute was shallow.
Fron 2:33 to 2:45, back to La Trenche Chute and then I think it is the CIP sorting facility at La Tuque.
Pushing at Rapide-Blanc was a risky .... but thrilling... The Flamand had good power on reverse and was able to back from the front of the chute..... The Amisk was a hell of a beast to handle in front of gate 4. As I mentioned last year, most of the time we had to turn right in front of the chute.... at full power! Since we had more power, the bunch (of logs) was going in faster and we were able to release it early in order to turn! 
Yves Cloutier notes: Early spring in the late 50's, the water level is low in Windigo Qu�bec (the far end of the Rapide-Blanc reservoir) and Coucoucache is "winching" itself to the open water, Flamand will follow. The Rapide des Coeurs already in the water his nose can be seen at the right near the pillar. The mission was to get in position to winch the "big" boats to the water. I am not certain that this kind of work would be permitted today! Yves Cloutier, ing. Photo by Yves Cloutier.

Yves Cloutier notes: This photo was taken at Rapide-Blanc in 1974, by R�jean Boisvert. He is involved with The Grandes Piles museum. This photo was taken before the boat was slightly modified to add safety guards to it's side. Flamand was a bit different from the other tugs on the St-Maurice as it was taking it's cooling water outside instead of circulating it in the tank.
The Flamand at Rapide Blanc in 1998. Now owned by The Ocean Group of Qu�bec.
Amisk with Flamand in background. Rapide Blanc, QC. April 1998. Notice the water level.... Hydro was getting ready for the spring! Yves Cloutier Collection.
Flamand in Qu�bec City, May 20th 2006.
Flamand beside Pascal D. and two other Russel tugs. Photos from Rene Garceau "Oc�an � Trois-rivieres, rivi�re St Maurice." July 12, 2017. The photo on the right: "Les bateaux de la St Maurice vendu a Group Oc�an au cap". Photo from Rene Garceau May 6 2017.
Pascal D and Flamand at Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Trois-Rivieres) August 12, 2018. Pascal D ex Namekos, built 1958, registry was closed August 8, 2019. Flamand, built 1947, registration is still open. Photo from Mac Mackay March 25, 2020.
For more Russel exhibits visit Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum 1165 1st Ave West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8 (519) 371-3333 |