Russel Brothers Limited   OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO   Steelcraft Boat Builders
Unidentified Russel Boats

Kars, ON This warping tug (possibly SKIMMER) was photographed in 2012 at Long Island Marina (1424 Commodore Dr. Kars, ON), Ontario, September 2012 (photo: Tom Larsen). Peter Huber writes: "While perusing around the marina yard, we happened upon an unusual craft – a well-worn, diesel powered work boat with a battered steel hull, a massive roller in the bow and heavy protective shroud around the prop. Chris, the yard manager, explained that “Alligator”, as she is called, is a specially designed work boat for use on lakes and waterways in the local logging industry. In addition to its unusual design, “Alligator” has the unique ability to be kedged (hauling herself with an anchor) through the woods from one body of water to another. Once in the water she can be used to “bull” logs and maneuver booms."


For more Russel exhibits visit Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum 1165 1st Ave West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8
(519) 371-3333