Russel Brothers Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Steelcraft Boat Builders
Particulars of Canadian War Vessels Building & Projected by Naval Service Headquaters (D. N. C. Dept.) 1943 � 1945: Lawrenceville [C.N. 799] Russel Bros., Owen Sound, ON. Commissioned January 8, 1944. Ville Class Tug LAWRENCEVILLE YTS 584 / YTS 590. Laid Down: 16 Nov 1943. Delivered to the RCN: 08 Jan 1944. Removed from service: 1964. Built by Russel Brothers Ltd, Owen Sound, Ont., Lawrenceville was delivered by CN rail to Vancouver to serve on the West coast. After the war, Lawrenceville continued service as a CNA. She was commissioned in 1944 in the Royal Canadian Navy. In 1978 she was sold. 1-150bhp diesel engine (1944).Pendant #YTL 584.
Name 1 1944 Lawrenceville (H.M.C.S.)
Name 2 1972 Cree (C.F.A.V.)
Owen Sound Sun-Times clipping from Gerry Ouderkirk collection. Shown above is the first of 30 steel welded tugs which will be built during the winter months in the plant of Russel Brothers Limited, in Owen Sound. This tug is 40 feet long and was launched on Friday afternoon, and shipped out by train on Saturday and is bound for a coast port. At the present time there are 11 tugs in course of construction at the plant an 3rd avenue east, and it is expected that there will be another launching in a day or two. The tugs are being built for the Royal Canadian Navy. |
Lawrenceville RCN Official Photo NF-2133_DHH.
Victoria Times Colonist, Sat. Dec. 20, 1947. clipping courtesy Leigh Cossey, Jan. 27, 2020.Navy Clears Three Derelict Scows From Sea Lane In Strait. Three sunken scows, reported Thursday afternoon by the pilot of the River Crest as forming a menace to navigation one and a half miles east of William Head, wer safely underway to Esquimalt Harbor today under R.C.N. supervision. Five minutes after the original report, the navy tug Glendon was on her way to the area where a search was carried out until dark.
The hunt was resumed at dawn Friday and at 2 in the afternoon, a 90-foot scow was found drifting awash in the strait. Half an hour later two similar scows, linked by a cable, were located in a half-sunken condition. Calls were put in for two navy tugs, the Lawrenceville and Adamsville, as well as the vessel Billow and Yard Craft No. 2. By nightfall Friday the three derelicts were well under control and in tow to harbor.
For more Russel exhibits visit Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum 1165 1st Ave West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8 (519) 371-3333 |